The Pinterest API
Learn about the different use cases for Pinterest API and how to implement it.
Learn about the different use cases for Pinterest API and how to implement it.
Learn more about Pinterest API for Shopping and how to optimize the performance of a product catalog by implementing our tips and best practices.
Learn the step-by-step process for how to implement the Pinterest tag and how to troubleshoot your implementation.
Learn about the different types of shopping ad formats on Pinterest and how to create, track and optimize your shopping ad campaign for optimal results.
Learn the step-by-step process for implementing the API for Conversions and how to troubleshoot your setup.
Learn more about your audience on Pinterest and compare it against Pinterest’s global audience with Pinterest Audience Insights.
Learn more about why people are coming to Pinterest and how they use it, so you can better understand the power of the platform as both a consumer and advertiser.
Learn how to set up your shop on Pinterest by adding products via the Catalogs tool or third-party integrations, and then organizing your products effectively.
Learn the foundational strategies for cultivating an organic presence on Pinterest.
Learn more about the value, unique experience and key features and benefits that shopping on Pinterest offers to both shoppers and businesses.
Erfahre alles über die verschiedenen Messlösungen von Pinterest und wie sie dir bei der Entwicklung deiner End-to-End-Messstrategie helfen.
Erfahre, wie Pinterest Nutzeraktionen Attribution zuordnet und wie sich unsere Attributionsfenster von den Branchenstandards unterscheiden.
Du erfährst, wie du das richtige Kampagnenziel auswählst, das am besten zu deinen geschäftlichen Zielen passt.
Learn how to use Advanced Targeting techniques to take your advertising on Pinterest to the next level.
Analyze the effectiveness of marketing channels and decide how to allocate their ads budgets across marketing channels.
Learn how the Pinterest Trends tool and Pinterest Predicts can help you increase your reach and enhance campaign performance.
Learn how Pinterest's Conversion API can support your overall conversion visibility and how to implement it.
Learn about the suite of Pinterest measurement solutions to help you design your end-to-end measurement strategy.
Discover why targeting is an important part of every advertising campaign.
Learn how Pinterest assigns attribution to user actions and how our attribution windows differ from other industry standards.
Understand the Pinterest auction and delivery system and how to ensure that your ads meet our ad serving criteria.
Learn everything you need to plan, design, set up and optimize a campaign on Pinterest—and earn a badge.
Learn how the Pinterest tag works, the different ways to implement it, and how it can help you measure the success of your advertising campaigns.